We Want You! To Join Our Ocean Army

Dear Qeep Up Community:
World Oceans Day is obviously a significant day for our company and this incredible community we’ve built because of YOU! We don’t make a difference alone; we make it only when the hearts and minds of our peers stand with us in solidarity.
This has been a time of real reflection for us all, as the world turns in directions we either saw coming or couldn’t have predicted. Either way, there’s an emotional overload when issues come to a head, especially when we want to do more and things seem insurmountable.
I know when I reflect on our planet and what it needs to stay healthy and thrive, I can get emotionally overwhelmed. Whenever those feelings hit, I try to spiritually weaponize. Channeling my sadness or frustration into action is why Qeep Up was born and why we commit every day to building a community who cares.
However, I have recently felt that a community may not be enough. A new thought has entered my spirit and I want to share it with you on this World Oceans Day!
You’ve heard the term Eco-Warrior. At Qeep Up we use it often, as it is entirely fitting for our supporters and our dedicated team. When we created our signature print, the Ocean Tie Dye, we saw it as our flag—a visual signal to the world that our fight was clear. Our oceans deserve more. Ocean Tie Dye declares that we are unified to heal our oceans by suiting up and advocating with our choices and our actions!
What could be more powerful than that? Well, I think it’s going from a community to an actual ARMY!
I now understand very clearly that our Ocean Tie Dye is actually Ocean CAMO! Like any branch of the military, there is always a defining look to signify who they are and what they stand for. THIS IS OURS!!
When I think about the fight to Save Our Oceans, I see us all armed with a passion that can move mountains! Everyone in our ARMY is a critical part of effecting change for our planet. Thank you for your voice, your support, and—most importantly—your enormous hearts!
Together we will arm ourselves with knowledge and conscious action to create an army like no other! I look forward to standing with you on the frontlines for our Oceans!
Happy World Oceans Day from all of us at Qeep Up!
Maggie Q